Sabbath School Lessons

Here is a collection of true Bible studies as opposed to the quarterly that invites non-Seventh-day Adventists and even Catholic Jesuits to contribute material to. Our studies consist of at least twenty questions with answers found only by looking up the Bible references. Commentary is then provided by Ellen White through a selection of content making reference to the Bible text in question.


  • Lesson 1 Eternal Life (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 2 Hell (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 3 The Millennium (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 4 The Books in the Judgment (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 5 The Second Coming (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 6 Death (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 7 The Seven Last Plagues-Part 1 (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 8 The Seven Last Plagues-Part 2 (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 9 Investigative Judgment (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 10 When Is the Investigation Started (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 11 The Last Day Movement (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 12 The Movement Continues-First Angel (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 13 The Movement Continues-Second Angel (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 14 The Movement Continues-Third Angel (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 15 The Movement Continues-The Loud Cry (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 16 Prepared To Give the Loud Cry (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 17 Mark of the Beast (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 18 Image (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 19 Beast (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 20 The World Before the Plagues (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 21 Knowledge Arises (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 22 Reform Commandments (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 23 Reform Sabbath (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 24 Reform Health (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 25 Reform Dress (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 26 Reform Entertainment (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 27 Reform Drinking (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 28 Temptation (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 29 Justification (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 30 Sanctification (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 31 Character Development (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 32 Character Love (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 33 Character Joy (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 34 Character Peace (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 35 Character Patience (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 36 Character Gentleness (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 37 Character Goodness (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 38 Character Faith (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 39 Character Meek (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 40 Character Temperance (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 41 Character Carefulness (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 42 Character Diligence (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 43 Character Kindness (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 44 Character Merciful (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 45 Character Tenderhearted (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 46 Character Forgiveness (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 47 Character Understanding (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 48 Character Considerate (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 49 Character Avoid Pride (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 50 Character Humble (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 51 Character Discipline (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 52 Character Trust (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 53 Character Avoid Laziness (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 54 Character Avoid Anxiety (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 55 Character Virtue (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 56 Character Prudent (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 57 Character Wise (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 58 Character Gracious (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 59 Character Compassion (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 60 Character Proper Anger (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 61 Character of Repentance (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 62 Character of Having Godly Knowledge (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 63 Character of Godliness (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 64 Character of Having the Fear of God (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 65 Character of Avoiding Bitterness (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 66 Character Avoid Wrath (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 67 Character Avoid Evil Speaking (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 68 Character Avoid Being Hasty (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 69 Character of Exercising Justice (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 70 Character of Avoid Unrighteousness (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 71 Character of Living Righteous (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 72 Character of Proper Provoking (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 73 Character of Having Discretion (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 74 Character of Not Mocking (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 75 Character of Being Delightful (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 76 Character of Walking After the Spirit (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 77 Character of Discernment (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 78 Character of Avoiding Being Deceitful (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 79 Character of Despising (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 80 Character of Avoid Profaning (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 81 Character of Avoiding Boasting (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 82 Character of Light vs Darkness (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 83 Character of Not Meddling (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 84 To Be Converted (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 85 What is an abomination (part 1) (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 86 What is an abomination (part 2) (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 87 The Importance of the Word (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 88 Do Not Play With Satan's Agents (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 89 What is Redemption (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 90 What is the pit? (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 91 What is the Role of a Woman (Word) (PDF)
  • Lesson 92 What is the Role of a Man (Word) (PDF)